Who we are
Giulia Perugini
Michelle Svampa
Elena Antonelli
Alessandro Severini
Elisabetta Polenta
Thomas Mondadori
Camilla Perroni
Beatrice Alessiani
Paolo Frinchillucci
Francesco Urbani
Asia Spadoni
We, students of the "Matteo Ricci" Institute of Higher Education, have created this site in order to create a minimum of awareness in those people who believe that the problems of the environment do not concern them.
Minimize the impact as much as possible environmental is the challenge facing today's and tomorrow's generations they must make their own, so that there can be a real future prospect. This is not a utopian dream, but a political, economic and social necessity that cannot and must not leave us indifferent!
Somehow we want to help cause that pollution atmospheric and climate change are no longer one of the major "emergencies" for the whole of humanity. A small drop, of course ... but the ocean is also made up of billions of small drops. The hope is that our voice will not remain the only one in a desert of indifference.