To revive the fortunes of our planet it is essential to intervene raising awareness among citizens from an early age and the place appointed to do so is certainly the School.
Finding ourselves one step away from no return, is of primary importance awareness of the role that each individual must have in protecting and preserving the environment.
It is therefore essential to introduce a "new" study discipline, starting from lower secondary school up to the first two years of upper secondary school, in other words for the entire period of compulsory schooling

It is now clear that the whole of humanity is one step away from no return if it wants to ensure that the environment that surrounds it can be safeguarded, we believe it is essential that each individual acquires, from a very young age, awareness of their own status in relation to eco-sustainability.
We therefore believe it is essential to introduce a compulsory subject in lower and upper secondary schools, at least up to the first two years, with which compulsory schooling ends.
1. Education for sustainability helps to train and raise awareness among citizens about the beauty of the ecosystem of our world, sustainability, awareness of climate change.
2. Education in sustainability introduces knowledge of the articles of the Italian Constitution relating to the environment, the environmental code, the founding nuclei of the 2030 Agenda, the sharing and promotion of actions aimed at safeguarding landscape, historical and artistic heritage, biodiversity and ecosystems.
(Teaching sustainability education)
1. For the purposes referred to in Article 1, starting from 1 September of the first school year following the entry into force of this law, in the lower secondary school and in the first two years of the upper secondary school, teaching sustainability education, which develops knowledge and understanding of the "environmental system" in its various meanings. In any case, initiatives to raise awareness of respect for the environment must already be initiated by the school
of childhood and continued throughout primary school.
2. The educational institutions in lower secondary school and in the first two years of lower secondary school include the teaching of sustainability education in their curriculum.
3. In lower secondary school, the subject of sustainability education is included in the guidelines of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Technology. The annual number of hours must not be less than 33 hours and must be carried out by the reference teacher who can vary over the three-year period based on the decisions taken
by the Institute by virtue of school autonomy.
4. With the introduction in secondary school of the environmental education subject, the scholastic institutions in reaching the time indicated in point 4 make use of the amount of autonomy useful for modifying the curriculum.
The teaching of sustainability education is assigned by delegating to school autonomy the task of identifying the teacher among the internal school staff already employed in the most similar chairs in the following order: Sciences
natural sciences (Biology), Chemistry, Physics, Geography, Law and Economics, Mathematics. The annual number of hours must not be less than 33 hours and must be carried out by the reference teacher.
5. The teaching of sustainability education is subject to oral evaluation.
Consistent and instrumental to the guidelines for teaching education to
sustainability are laboratory lessons, preferably held outdoors in a
experiential approach and direct contact with nature. I am strongly
recommended educational trips to eco-sustainable realities of the territory or of relevance
cultural and environmental, where direct contact with places of beauty is possible
uncontaminated, but also in highly polluted or otherwise defaced sites.
(Constitution and active citizenship)
1. Knowledge of the Italian Constitution is fundamental for every individual and constitutes the reference point for every action of the citizen.
2. With particular reference to articles 9 and 41 of the Constitution, protections aimed at the environment, biodiversity and ecosystems can be promoted, also in the interest of future generations and free economic initiatives that do not damage health and the environment.
(General purpose)
1. The teaching of sustainability education takes as a reference
certain issues, necessary for the development of skills and the
achievement of specific learning objectives. Aforementioned Themes
include eco-sustainable development, protection of the environmental heritage,
of territorial identities and excellences.
2. At the same time, education on health and well-being, voluntary work and active citizenship are promoted, as well as activities aimed at nourishing and strengthening respect for animals and nature.
1. To allow a lasting and conscious exercise of active citizenship, young people must gradually acquire those transversal skills which constitute one of the fundamental cornerstones of the political choices of the European Union.
2. Education for sustainability contributes in particular to the development of citizenship skills, i.e. active participation in civic life, through the acquisition of a sense of responsibility and involvement in social activities, in full compliance with shared values and entrepreneurship, understood as the ability to carry out one's own projects by ensuring that ideas are transformed into actions.
3. These skills are clearly developed throughout the course of study but it remains understood that in lower secondary school the skills acquired will be
certified at the end of the three-year period, pursuant to Ministerial Decree no. 742/2017 in particular at points 3, 6 and 7; as regards the secondary school, pursuant to the Ministerial Decree
n.9 / 2010 the evaluation will flow in particular in the Scientific Axis.
(Learning objectives)
1. In implementation of articles 3 and 4 define the guidelines for teaching sustainability education.
2. In line with the national guidelines for the curriculum of the first cycle of education, the following themes are taken as a reference: concepts of Ecology, Economy, Ecosystem; study of the characteristics of the biome of its territory; energy consumption and renewable energies; pollution; concept of health and health prevention; health effects of pollution; impact of waste and its disposal, separate collection, concept of recycling and reuse.
3. In line with the national guidelines for high schools and with the guidelines for technical and professional institutes, without prejudice to the possibility left to the autonomy of educational institutions to enhance and expand the issues, also with reference to specific curricula, considered the following
Themes: Agenda 2030, environmental sustainability, sustainable economy, sustainable energy and related projects (for example the Algae Energy Project), sustainable and organic agriculture, vertical farming, green chemistry, use of sustainable packaging, local biome; separate collection, waste recycling; responsible consumption and production; forms of green transport, 0 km production; marin litter, impact of plastic on soil and water; green finance and circular economy; environmental risk prevention.
(Financial invariance clause)
1. The educational institutions ensure the implementation of this law
in the area of human, instrumental and financial resources available a
current legislation and, in any case, without new or greater charges for public finance.